Annual Seminar and SME Table Top Exhibition, 7 February 2018
The SAMPE UK & Ireland Chapter Annual Seminar & SME Table Top Exhibition, was held on 7th February 2018, in Nottingham. The event was sponsored by Gearing Scientific and JR Technology in conjunction with DolphiTech. We acknowledge also the generous support of the University of Nottingham in whose new Advanced Manufacturing Building the event was held.
The programme, a summary review of the event and a number of the seminar presentations are provided below.

Intelligent Composite Design and Manufacture, Nottingham, 2018.

Review of Seminar
by Geoff Gould, SAMPE UK and Ireland Chapter.

Developments in composite drape simulation by the incorporation of AI techniques, Shashitha Kularatna and Carwyn Ward, University of Bristol.
From Scrap to Structure: Changing Perception of waste, Ross Key, Solvay.
PROSEL: An Online Design Tool for High Performance Composites Materials and Process Selection, Andrew Mills, Cranfield University.
Future-proofing UK Composite Manufacturing, Amit Visrolia, NCC.
The EPSRC Future Composites Research Hub, Andy Long, University of Nottingham.
Advanced Automated Tape Laying with Fibre Steering Capability Using Continuous Tow Shearing, Evangelos Zympeloudis, Paul Weaver, Kevin Potter and Byung Chul Kim, University of Bristol.
Disclaimer: the presentations and reports provided on this webpage are the copyright of the authors. They are provided here with the authors’ permission, and with the view that they would be helpful to members of SAMPE. The content of these reports is the responsibility of the respective authors alone, and SAMPE UK & Ireland takes no responsibility for any factual errors, omissions or content that might be deemed mistaken or misleading.

Membership Awards
The following people were awarded long service SAMPE membership pins:
Twenty Five Years: Andrew Mills
Fifteen Years: John Gearing
Ten Years: Paul Stacey
Five Years: David Scholfield; David Inston; Stefanos Giannis; Andrew Sharpe; Adrian Williams; Matthew Such.