SAMPE is the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, with a current predominant focus on high performance composites. The society is the leading global professional body for engineers and technologists associated with this field.
For enquiries please contact us here.

UK & Ireland chapter
SAMPE activities in the United Kingdom and Ireland date back to the early 1970s and became the UK & Ireland Chapter in 2001.
The Chapter is run by an organising committee elected by the membership of the Chapter at the AGM, which is generally held during the Annual Seminar. The Chapter arranges a varied programme of events including:
- Chapter meetings and industry visits
- Joint meetings with other organisations
- Annual Conference/Seminar
- Student activities include and Annual Seminar and Awards, usually held in June
- Travel Grants for Young Engineers
SAMPE deals with a wide range of materials, technologies and manufacturing processes:
- Advanced polymer composites (thermosets and thermoplastics)
- High performance fibres
- Automation
- Hybrid composites
- Textiles
- Repair techniques
- High performance adhesives
- Structural analysis
- Ballistic protection
- Metal matrix and ceramic composites
- Nanotechnologies
- Additive manufacturing
Sector applications include:
- Aerospace and defence
- Automotive
- Civil engineering structures
- Electrical/Electronics
- Energy generation
- Equipment and machinery
- Infrastructure
- Marine
- Sports and leisure
- Transportation
Become a Member
Simply follow this link to the online registration and payment site here. If you have any questions, please contact us with any enquiries.