Calling all Young Composite Engineers

The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering would like to invite you to participate in a media competition to show the Resilience of the composite materials community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is an opportunity to promote your products, services or research ideas at a national level, using your composites knowledge and creativity to produce an informative video that can be shown to the wider composites community. This may demonstrate;

  • How your research has been affected by COVID
  • Development of new products to diversify your business
  • New opportunities or services you have offered during the pandemic to support your local community

SAMPE UK and Ireland is a networking organisation of 150+ professionals and students in advanced materials, which is very active in composite materials. An objective of SAMPE is to foster technical excellence in the UK and Ireland, by promoting interest in new materials and processes within the composites community. SAMPE wishes to use this event to create a dialogue and network with tomorrow’s engineers.
The competition is being organised in conjunction with the EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub. The winning video will be displayed at the annual SAMPE UK & Ireland seminar in March 2021 and on the SAMPE website. A cash prize will be awarded to the winning team with the smartest video and free annual membership of SAMPE UK & Ireland will be offered to all participants.
Further information about the UK and Ireland Chapter can be found at
Further information about the EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub can be found at


  • The video should be aimed at a non-technical audience – think GCSE students.
  • The video must be no longer than 3 minutes and should be filmed in landscape.
  • The video must contain footage from either a laboratory, manufacturing facility or office environment, and should not simply be a recording of a set of PowerPoint slides.
  • There should be no inappropriate language or offensive content, as the winning video will be hosted on the SAMPE website and displayed at the annual seminar.
  • No more than four members per team.
  • Only one entry per team. However, universities or companies are welcome to enter multiple teams if they wish.
  • At least one team member must be present at the seminar in March 2021.
  • Your entry should be hosted on a video file sharing site, such as Wistia or Youtube, and the link should be sent to before the competition deadline.

Teams may contain undergraduate, postgraduate or postdoctoral researchers and early career engineers. Entries are welcome from all universities and companies in the UK and Ireland.

Registration for the competition must be completed in advance by sending an email to Please register your team by Friday 29th January 2020, providing the following information:

  • Team name
  • Team members
  • Team point of contact e-mail
  • Affiliation

Your video should be submitted by Friday 15th February 2021. Winners will be announced in March ahead of the SAMPE UK & Ireland annual seminar.

Questions regarding the competition should be sent to