Annual Seminar and SME Table Top Exhibition, 25 February 2016

The SAMPE UK & Ireland Chapter 2016 Seminar & SME Table Top Exhibition was held on Thursday 25 February at The National College for Teaching and Learning, University of Nottingham. This year we decided to feature “Breakthrough Technologies” for Advanced Composites manufacturing. These breakthrough advances do not occur overnight. Long term development programmes for materials and processes have resulted in methods and products offering high performance cost effective solutions.
This year the event was sponsored by TenCate Advanced Composites Ltd and supported by the University of Nottingham. The programme included presentations from key companies such as ACCIS, Eurocarbon, Fokker, GE Aviation, Rolls-Royce and sponsors TenCate Advanced Composites Ltd.
The seminar was well attended by around 100 delegates with 20 companies/institutions exhibiting. The full list of exhibitors is included our report.

Breakthrough Technologies for Advanced Composites Manufacturing, University of Nottingham, 2016.
by Geoff Gould, SAMPE UK and Ireland Chapter.
Thermoplastic Composites in Aerospace, Arnt Offringa, Fokker.
Advances in automated composite preforming by overbraiding technology, Stephen Voskamp, Eurocarbon.
Thermoplastic Composites; Innovation and Value Creation, Nick Tiffin, Tencate Advanced Composites.
Innovations in Composites at Rolls-Royce, James Lee, Rolls-Royce.
Automated layup of sheet prepreg, Michael Elkington, University of Bristol.
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