SAMPE UKIC held its first annual Composite Design and Make competition on 12th September 2019 at the University of Nottingham, in conjunction with the EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub open day. Six teams competed to build the tallest freestanding tower to support a mass of 1kg. Entries had to use either glass fibre or carbon fibre, with no metallic fasteners, with a total mass of less than 250g.
There was a clear winner at just over 6.7 metres, which presented a real challenge for the judges during the testing. The winning team from the University of Bristol were presented a trophy and a cash prize by the SAMPE UKIC Chairman, Tim Wybrow. Tim commented that “our first Design and Make competition for Young Engineers and Students (YES) has been a huge success. It has created a real buzz and I’m so pleased to see so many new young and enthusiastic people engaging with SAMPE”.