Started at Courtaulds Coventry as an apprentice Chemical Plant Technician in 1957.

Qualication City & Guilds Finals in Synthetic Fibre Production.

Continued as a research Technician at Courtaulds including Carbon Fibre Research. Transferred to Sales Department, Grafil Fibres, eventually covering most European Countries. Moved over to Courtaulds Structural Composites, MD Ed Trewin, Chief Exec Jim, Now Sir Jim,Radcliffe. Made redundant 1992 and start as sales agent for companies like Eurocarbon, Ten Cate, and DSM Dyneema. Retired in 2010. I became involved in the SAMPE UK&I Committee when I was made redundant (1992), when Roy McCarthy tapped me on the shoulder and said: you don’t have much to do, Join the Committee. And the rest is history, as they say.